It has been awhile since I wrote anything on here, so hi again. I wanted to write a little about the changes in my life recently:
To start I quit my job at Kendra Scott. Everyday I miss that store and even more the amazing company that I once worked for. However, for myself I knew that it was time to move on and try to accomplish bigger things. Since leaving Kendra Scott I started a new job in a whole different state...
So yeah, I decided it was time to move. Where to you ask? I moved out to Colorado. I feel as if I should have made this move right when I graduated from college, but at that time there was something at home that made me want to be in the Bay Area. I finally came to a point where I realized that there was nothing and no one holding me back from doing what I wanted to do except for myself. So I quit my job and two weeks later I was on the road for the 21 hour trek to Colorado.
For those of you that don't know, my sister lives out here so the transition was super easy because I moved out of my parents home and right into my sisters house. Living out here has been one of my best things I could have ever done for myself. In San Jose I felt like I wasn't being myself, but I was morphing into what the city wanted me to be. Life out here is so simple and slow, my pace of life has slowed way down, for the best. Getting out of the busy city and moving into a small town in country Colorado is truly a blessing.
Oh that job I mentioned? So, I started working with my sister at the local bar (basically the only one in town) and that has been an experience in its own. I love working at the bar and it has been an absolute blast since I started! I wake up excited in the mornings for work. Honestly, working at the bar feels like something I had been missing out on for awhile. I am glad to be working there.
This move has me feeling motivated and excited for new things. I truly never know what is right around the corner and right now I am happily living my life day by day. I am so full of joy every morning I wake up and am always excited for what my days have to hold.
So, there is a little update on what is going on with me.... thank you for reading.
Jordan Rene