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How COVID-19 Changed My Life

Writer: Jordan ReneJordan Rene

Updated: Sep 27, 2020

No I never got COVID-19 but a lot changed in my life during this pandemic. Here is a small list of what changed:

  1. I started a blog!! (that didn't take off and I soon stopped using it) But here I am making another post for whatever reason.

  2. I started to love myself! During the pandemic I took my health very serious and I started working out 7 days a week (I am not kidding). I was going on hikes and long walks every. single. day. Sometimes I would even do a Chloe Ting workout, since it was popular on TikTok and I was obsessed with that too. I started seeing major changes in my body, my energy levels, my anxiety, and myself!! Working out really is what started my change for the better... now let's continue.

  3. I started drawing!! This was a HUGE one for me. I was seeing all of these drawings of pictures and I thought to myself "I bet I could do that". So, I went out and I bought and IPad and I started making these "doodles". (a $300 investment that I will never regret). I ending up turning my "doodles" into a little business and started selling my drawings!! This lead me into making stickers and now I sell everything on Etsy!! I am not making much but I don't care because it is something that I am passionate about and that I personally LOVE doing. I only draw for myself and it makes me happy! Plus I have made so many friends through social media this way. Everyone is so supportive of one another and they are all so positive. Drawing really helped me become an overall better person.

  4. My boyfriend and I broke up. I dated someone for almost two years and I was madly in love with him. But as time changed so did we. Unfortunately things didn't end up working out between the two of us, but that is okay. I learned so many important life lessons through my relationship, I am so happy with who I became in the end, and I am so grateful to have had this person in my life for a period of time. So if you're reading this.... Thank you, I appreciate the time that we had together.

  5. I realized that the job I currently have may not be the one for me. This one is tough.. I am in love with my job, really. I have a great team of people that I work with and everyone is so caring and considerate of one another. But just like above, as time changed so did I. I am forever happy with my job and I always will be, but it may be time to move on sooner rather than later. There is nothing wrong with this either, I am growing as a person and becoming someone new so as I change my job is going to as well. There will always be another opportunity for me somewhere else.

  6. I rekindled an old fling. Yeah that didn't work

  7. I traveled to Colorado and visited my sister! It was 6 months too long without seeing her and I knew I had to see my sister and her small town that she lives in. (I had never been!!) What I wasn't expecting was to fall so deeply in love with the town. It may be small but it was just gorgeous and her group of friends are an amazing group of people! I know keep telling people how I need a general change, a change of pace, and change of life.. maybe that change will end up being me moving out to her? I don't know yet but it sure sounds fun!!

  8. I reached out to old friends. Remember when I talked about my ex boyfriend? I realized that in that relationship I focused so much on us that I lost a lot of my friends. When that relationship with him ended I turned and I put time into my friendships with those around me. I was able to save so many friendships I thought had ultimately failed, which is something I am so grateful for (you have no idea). I am so happy that I didn't lose hope and give up because I wouldn't have these people in my life whom I care so much about. This one is probably my favorite because I truly lost myself and these people helped me find my way back to who I truly am. You guys know who you are. Thank you!

  9. I became happy!!! I was such a negative person for YEARS and I only focused on the negative aspects in life. Through drawing, actually, I became happy. The happiest I have ever been before. My jaw hurts from smiling and laughing so much. But hey, no complaining here (; I had never realized how truly sad I was as a person and how much I tore people down around me and for that I feel awful. Luckily times have changed and I am extremely happy, to the point where people are commenting on it constantly!! I didn't know I could reach this level of happiness but here I am!

  10. I bought a car!!! This one was huge! I have hoped and dreamed about buying myself a new 4Runner for YEARS and I worked my ass off to save as much as I possibly could! I finally was able to treat myself with a brand new 4Runner that is bright red, of course I named him Clifford, it just seemed fitting! This purchase was something I dreamt about all throughout college, so making this one dream come true was truly amazing. Not to mention how proud of myself I am. I worked for this and it is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time!

  11. I fell in love with plants! I feel like a lot of people became "plant parents" during the pandemic. But I went from having no plants to having 17+!!! I do have to admit though most of them are thriving (emphasis on the most here). My plants have become my children and I love caring for them. I learn something new about them every single day and it amazes me what they can do!! I love watching them grow and give me new life and leaves every single day. They're absolutely amazing.

  12. My perspective on life switched! I have always had goals and dreams that I have replayed over and over in my head. During COVID I realized that it is possible for me to reach these goals but I need to be willing to put in the time and the effort to do so. And I have never been so ready in my life to reach my goals and push harder than I ever have before. So stay tuned here, big things are coming!

  13. I became me again! For so long I feel as if I lost myself and that I was running on auto pilot. I had no drive, no ambition, no motivation, but something during this pandemic switched and it kicked my ass into high gear. I really truly became myself. I am doing things for myself and myself only. I am learning more about who I am everyday and there's constantly something new to learn! It is so fun figuring out new things and pushing myself to only be the best version of who I want to be. I am so happy to be back or maybe just to have found myself. Maybe I didn't become me "again", what I did is I found who I was meant to be.

Maybe I will add to this list later on but for right now it is 12:30 am on September 11th and it is time for me to go to bed. Thank you so much for whoever reads this it truly does mean the world to me and hope this can motivate you as well. Don't forget to be happy and to always keep smiling!


Jordan Rene <3



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