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What's in Store for 2021?

Writer's picture: Jordan ReneJordan Rene

A lot can happen in a year... hell we've been in a worldwide pandemic for a year. I have no clue what is in store for me in 2021, but I can tell you a few things:

1. I am extremely motivated:

This is my "year of yes". Let me explain... my family has had a Peloton for a few years now anddddd I’ve always hated it. BUT I decided to get my ass on the bike and come to find out that this time around I LOVE it. So, what does this have to do with my "year of yes"? I was taking Jess King’s class a few weeks ago and she said a few things that resonated with me, one being the "year of yes", but I brushed it off and moved on with the class. Then the same week I accidentally took the same class and I realized when she started talking about her "year of yes"... right back to the SAME part that resonated with me the first time. So, then I took that as a sign that I needed to do the same. So, this year I have to say yes to things I typically wouldn't. I already started by going surfing!! I am so scared of the ocean, but a coworker asked me to go with her, so I had to say yes, and I had a great time!! Now I see this year being filled with tons to new opportunities and friendships, I just need to make it happen.

2. I am happy:

It has taken me so long to get to where I am today. For the past few years, I haven't been happy with myself or anything around me. Today I find myself being the happiest I have ever been. To be honest I am not sure how this happened but one day I woke up and chose happiness and I haven’t looked back since. Truly the best thing that came out of last year was me learning how to be independent and once I learned that my happiness soon followed. I learned that I didn't need to have another person to be codependent on. I was like that for two years and my happiness slowly dwindled as I fell more and more codependent on someone else. Once I started to learn who I was and feel good being on my own I started to get happier, and I found myself smiling and laughing more often.

3. My relationships are building:

I found myself lost in a pool of anxiety when it came to building to friendships and relationships. Things I have found out is that not every friendship is meant to last a lifetime and that is okay! I used to fixate on friends that I thought were lifelong for years and I found it so hard to let go, but now I know that friends can come and go. I have myself a good group of gals that I don't get to see very often but talking on an everyday basis keeps me sane. I miss my gals so much but there will come a time where we are all living closer again. Overall, I found myself building friendships through this pandemic online and in person. It is amazing and everyone has helped shaped me into who I am.

4. I stopped caring about what others thought of me:

With social media now a days I find myself feeling attacked and anxious about what I want to post and how people will view be based off of my social medias. I can tell you that in the past two months I stopped caring about what other people thought of me. I started posting whatever the hell I wanted to because it was something that I liked. I am sick and tired of constantly feeling judged and belittled on social media because I posted a picture that I feel confident in. Something I learned is that the only opinion that matters is my own. So now I'm focusing on growth this year.. I am challenging myself to grow on my platforms and gain a following, all while posting content I want!!

5. I became confident

This one is fun. I have always been a thin person for as long as I can remember. I can truly thank genetics and of course being active. However, I found that when soccer ended for me in 2018, I quickly gained a little bit of weight. I suck at working out so I haven't been able to get it off but that is FINE!! I found myself becoming more and more confident as I was posting whatever I wanted on social media. How did I become confident with myself.... honey I faked it. Oh yeah, a "fake it til you make it" kinda thing. I lost my confidence years ago, but the more I don't give a f*ck the happier I am and the more confident I become! If you don't see yourself as a confident person fake it for a week, walk with your head held high, put on your favorite outfit, give yourself some glam, and do the damn thing!! This has been a GAME CHANGER for me!!

Now with all of this being said I have a quote that I read late last year that really sat with me that I want to share. This is what it said, "depressed people live in the past, anxious people live in the future, and people at peace live in the moment". I have thought about this quote every day for months and let me tell you... my anxiety I used to get... gone. I was so fixated on the future and what was going to happen, or I was sad because I thought of ways I could have done better. But I have come to peace with the fact that I can't change my past, but I can work now to change my future. I am not trying so hard to appease others as I used to. I am solely been doing things for me and because I want to. I can say that lately I have been living in the moment. By doing this I have changed so much and become an overall better and happier person. I have so much more energy than I used to, I extremely social, I am learning how to network and recruit, and I am living my best life. So, with that being said, I am fully ready to take the remainder of 2021 by the horns (year of the ox hehe) and continue my growth!


Jordan Rene



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