Rewind to 2015, I was graduating from high school and I had decided to go to school out of state at the University of Nevada, Reno. I was so scared to go but I was so excited for a change because I had never moved before in my life. August came around and I was in for the biggest change of my life.
So much changed for me in the 4 years at my University, I feel like I really become a whole new person. I learned a lot about friends and who I wanted to surround myself with, I learned about my ambition and drive I have for certain things, I learned that you shouldn't judge someone so quick/ a book by its' cover, and I learned how to truly be myself.
I went through phases of friends throughout college, but truly the friends that I made the first night in the dorms are the friends that I have today. I am so grateful for my crazy bunch of girls because they really helped me be the best person of myself that I can be. Just like everyone we have had our ups and downs but they're my go to girls and I wouldn't change a thing. In this group of girls I also met my best friend and my favorite year of school was living with her.
Our senior year we got an apartment just us two and it was so much fun. Living with my best friend is easily the thing I miss the most today about college. When I say we did everything together I'm not kidding, we even worked at the same clothing store. Luckily her and I are still friends today so I still get to see her, just not everyday like I used to.
So I went to school originally thinking that I was going to become a Physical Therapist and quickly learned that I wasn't getting the grades that I was going to need to get into PT school after graduation. Even though it was a dream I lost interest and then I didn't know what I wanted to do as a career. I changed my major to Public Health because I was still going to be taking all of the same classes that I was before but now I have a lot more freedom to hopefully find something I was really going to like.
One thing that I learned was that I loved Nutrition classes. I ended up taking any Nutrition class I could and I graduated one away from being able to minor in it. Sometimes I forget that I really had a passion for Nutrition and let myself get off track, oops, but then I have to think about all the time I spent in those classes to learn how to fuel my body. It is definitely still something I am interested in today, I just might need a quick refresher.
Another thing I learned is to not just a book by their cover. I felt like for a long time I was a very negative person and in order to make myself feel better I put others down. Even if this person didn't know I was doing it I still did. What I'm saying is that I was always so quick to judge a person, whether it was a look on their face, or how they dressed I was always so judgemental and this didn't really change until after college. But I have been through my fair share of people judging me and I don't like the way it makes me feel so I why would I want to do the exact same thing to someone. I am so glad that that I learned this lesson because I never want to hurt someone unintentionally and that is really all this can lead to. I have definitely become more of an open person and I have gotten better at talking to people because of this lesson.
I felt that in college I really was able to blossom into my own person. I absolutely loved living on my own or with my friends. I loved being able to make my own decisions and not have to ask my parents for their permission on everything. It was truly the best time of my life and I am so glad that I chose to go to the school I did. I met so many people along my college journey that helped me see the good and the bad things in life and each person helped me be who I am today, whether that be in a good or in a bad way. I definitely had my fair share of bad times in college but those were topped with some of the best times of my life. So I wouldn't change a thing about my experience.
Thank for reading.
Jordan Rene